Through our combination of practical experience with specialist knowledge and the knowledge we acquire in the development of our “own” TAS-burner (low Nox), we can provide a better service that even better suited to the specific wishes of the customer.

Cost savings and emissions reduction

In almost all cases we can give you advice and provide the most efficient and energy-efficient burner installation in which not only looks at the combination of cost, maintenance costs and operational costs, but also where the emissions of NOx, CO2 and CO is minimized.

Proven expertise

Over the years, Standard Fasel more than 1000 combinations with different burner types & brands installed and put into service. Most of this burner installations are still with us in maintenance.

Various fuels
Standard Fasel has not only experience with multiple types of burners but also with various fuels. Of course we work regularly with gas burners but also biogas burners, oil burners and hydrogen burners or combinations thereof through a combined burner.

Our people are Scios certified and are able to perform Scope 7a and 7b inspections. View our comprehensive certification

The boilers can be equipped with various burners, including the TAS burner (which is property of Standard Fasel). Natural gas, oil or a combination of these fuels can be applied. Coincineration of biogas, hydrogen or petrol vapors is not a trouble for us. Other types of fuel are possible after consultation.

Want to know more?

Do you have questions or need expert advice on Burner technology? Get in touch with our specialists!